Bunloit Lochan and Loch Ness Sunrise.jpg

Our Rewilding Projects

Highlands Rewilding currently manages three rewilding projects in the Highlands of Scotland.

  • Bunloit Estate

    Bunloit is our flagship estate, woodland-dominated, bought in February 2020.

    After a first year of conferring and a second conducting baseline surveys on the mosaic of habitats here, work is now underway to develop the best land management model for rewilding.

    Bunloit rewilding project
  • Beldorney Estate

    Beldorney has spectacular broadleaf woods along the River Deveron but is dominated by over-grazed pasture and coniferous plantations.

    It is a blank canvas for native woodland creation, regenerative agriculture, and building back better by restoring ruined crofts.

    Beldorney rewilding project
  • Tayvallich Estate

    Tayvallich Estate, in mid-Argyll, forms part of the stunning Knapdale National Scenic Area. Containing a mosaic of habitats from coastal, marine, wetlands and salt marsh to ancient native woodlands and species-rich grasslands, it has exceptional natural capital value and biodiversity uplift potential.

If you would like to bring your team to visit our rewilding projects and gain insight into the emerging natural capital economy, you can explore our many different options on our retreats page.

If you have a smaller group or are looking for a self-catered holiday cottage, head over to our cottage stays page.

Health and Safety Notice

Deer management occurs across the estates. If you are planning to visit Bunloit or Beldorney or Tayvallich, please get in touch via info@highlandsrewilding.co.uk before your visit to coordinate stalking times and locations.

This is for your safety. For more information, please read our wildlife management policy.

We have wild boar at Bunloit. If you are visiting, please be aware and cautious, especially in the warmer months when piglets are around. Please keep dogs on leads for safety, be wary of causing wild fires and leave no trace.