Wildlife Management Policy


Highlands Rewilding Ltd. actively monitor and control deer populations on Bunloit and Beldorney Estate.

Deer numbers are managed with the aim of a level where native woodland creation and natural regeneration can be achieved without deer fencing or tree guards.

Wild Boar

With little known about populations in Scotland, we will actively monitor and assess the disturbance and effects of wild boar and feral pigs at Bunloit Estate, to build a holistic approach of management. As a keystone species, wild boar help to support and maintain the ecosystem that they live in, a key ecosystem engineer for rewilding.

Similar to deer, wild boar populations can exceed the appropriate level for an area of land due to the lack of natural predators. As such, and after conferring with relevant governmental and non-governmental experts, we will manage the boar population with a holistic approach in mind, selling the meat locally once our larder is up and running.